
Comic Chick Reviews 4/27 Comics

Since the stack this week is truly ginormous I am only going to review the best of the best and some random titles that...

Welcome Back the JLI!

Well, it's officially official: the Justice League International IS relaunching and it is going to be glorious!  Earlier this week Bleeding Cool hinted that...

X-Men: First Class Trailer hits

When the first trailers for X-Men: First Class hit, I wasn't impressed. It seemed to be a basic origin story detaling situations we already...

Is Justice League International Relaunching?

There is a rumor swirling around the internet that seems to suggest a new Justice League International book will be launching in the wake...

Comic Chick Reviews 4/20 Comics

Welcome to "Comic Chick Reviews," your weekly comic book review source!  Geeks of Gaming wishes to share these reviews with you for your comic...